a) Genre
The Genre of Wallace and Gromit is 3D Animation: Comedy, Wallace and Gromit is all about two main characters who go around causing a bit of mischief and also try help save the town they live in. Wallace the main characters likes to create elaborate machines where he gets his partner in crime Gromit to try out. The animation itself is a clay animation and they take up to 12 years to film as they have to do every induvial frame and there are millions of frames in each movie/episode. There usually always in the same clothes and the same house however in some of the movies they change around occasionally so that they are wearing the appropriate stuff for the mission/task they are about to complete.
b) Individual animators:
the main animator who worked on Wallace and Gromit was Nicholas Wulstan Park. He was the main person who was working on doing the animation he also did Shawn the Sheep and lots of Aardmans Animations work. Park has been nominated for an Academy Award a total of six times and won four with Creature Comforts, The Wrong Trousers, A Close Shave and Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.
Research... who they are? what projects they worked on? Use the movie database like IMDB.
c) Production process:
In the post production of Wallace and Gromit its all about setting up the clay characters and knowing where to move them to at what time, this is crucial because if they aren't efficient wit time they would fall behind and end up loosing track of where they are or the animation would take a lot longer that it should do, meaning the overall film/animation wouldn't come out on time.
d) Narrative/storyline
Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out, is a story based all upon Wallace inventing the very first contraption to get too the Moon as the moon is made out of cheese and Wallace and Gromit love cheese and crackers. So the entire storyline is about them attempting to make it on the moon and which they finally do when the episode comes to a close.
e) Target audience
The main target audience for Wallace and Gromit is anyone really, this is because of how dated it is and the first episode was made way back in 1958 so this is why i think it could link to all ages as it has that connection with older people, as this may have been there favourite childhood show when they were growing up therefore, however with this being said it also applies to the younger audience of today due to its family comedy effect and that children may find it enjoyable at there age of around 8-15. It could apply to all demographics however it would apply to white demographic more due to the human character being white, however both demographics watch.
f) Characters/stars (voice)
They sometimes have new characters introduced which can create another medium and something for audience members to look out for, as these sometimes can be a one off famous guest who does a voice over for one of the bunnies. The characters are also very distinct and haven't changed one bit since they were first made back in 1958 and are still clay characters today, even though many of other animation's are doing computer based animations, they are not which makes the Wallace and Gromit unique.
g) Learners analyse and compare a range of animation products produced by UK and international animation companies.
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